Symptoms and warning signs: Berlin musician dies of thrombosis
Pablo Grant, known as an actor and in the music scene as well as among his fans as Dead Dawg and member of the Berlin rap collective BHZ, died at the beginning of February 2024 at the young age of 26 as a result of thrombosis. A thrombosis is a complete or partial blockage of a blood vessel by a blood clot (thrombus). Dr. med. Peter Klein-Weigel, Chief Physician at the Clinic for Angiology and Diabetology at Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch, provides information on risk factors, signs, diagnosis and treatment options.
Facts and current figures
Venous thromboembolism is a common medical problem. Current figures estimate that around 1.5 million fatal and non-fatal deep vein thromboses and pulmonary embolisms occur in Europe every year. The number of deaths directly attributable to venous thromboembolism is relatively high at six percent, but is still rather underestimated due to a high number of unreported cases. Women are also affected more frequently than men. This is primarily due to pregnancies, the postpartum period and the use of hormone preparations and hormonal anticonceptives, especially in combination with contraception and nicotine consumption.
However, the majority of all thromboembolisms are mainly diagnosed at an older age. If children or adolescents are affected, there is often a congenital or acquired coagulation disorder.
Other risk factors include immobility, paralysis, immobilization of extremities, surgical procedures, serious secondary illnesses such as infections or inflammation, and long-distance travel.
Diagnosis and therapy
If it is suspected that patients are affected by a thrombosis, experts in clinics such as the Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch or in vascular surgery practices carry out ultrasound examinations of the leg veins or, in the case of a possible pulmonary artery embolism, a computer tomography. If the suspicion is confirmed, the specialists will treat the patient with medication or order measures to remove the blood clot. At Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch, the colleagues at the interdisciplinary vascular center have a wealth of experience in the use of various interventional treatments and lysis therapies to dissolve blood clots with medication. Old occlusions of pelvic veins that lead to complaints in the form of post-thrombotic syndrome and movement-dependent complaints in the thighs can also be reopened using interventional procedures.
However, experts agree that it does not necessarily have to come to this point: with regular preventive and check-up examinations or early action in the event of acute symptoms, venous thromboembolism can already be treated well according to current knowledge and research.
Practical tips for patients
- If you feel unusual pain or notice signs of a possible venous thromboembolism, such as pain in the calf muscles, you should have this checked out immediately.
- Any proven thrombosis is treated with anticoagulant medication. Let your doctor know if you suffer from a coagulation disorder.
- If you are considered a high-risk patient, you should take appropriate prescription medication in high-risk situations (long-distance travel, pregnancy, surgery, etc.).
- Surgical measures to remove a thrombus are only carried out in special centers such as the Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch.
- Late effects such as post-thrombotic syndrome or permanent pulmonary hypertension must be treated immediately and closely monitored medically.